Musculoskeletal/Occupational Health (MSK)
A large portion of this placement will be spent in outpatient clinics within the Physiotherapy Department. It will be possible to gain experience in the assessment and treatment of staff from Chesterfield Royal Hospital who have self-referred with a wide range of acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions (listed further below). Staff members are also referred to the service via orthopaedics and A and E.
There may be opportunities to observe other services including physiotherapy outpatient classes and clinics run by Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioners.
Within the Staff Physiotherapy Service we also support our colleagues and their wellbeing via health promotion and outreach work across the hospital. This can come in the form of in-service training, occupational assessments and exercise prescription.
The hospital is fortunate to have a Health and Wellbeing Hub which supports colleagues and their wellbeing, both physically and mentally. The facility includes a fully equipped gym which staff have free access to. Depending on the service needs, the placement may involve Working within the health and wellbeing hub, developing services and improving connections between them and the physio department. The goal is to improve overall staff wellbeing.
Due to the varied nature of this placement good time management, flexibility and prioritisation are essential.

Photo: Trevor Smith Photography
Learning opportunities:
Assessment and treatment of patients in a musculoskeletal outpatient setting. Observation of outpatient classes and other services related to outpatients, such as clinics run by Advance Physiotherapy Practitioners. Depending on the service’s needs there will also be opportunities to work with colleagues at our Health and Wellbeing Hub.
Client Group:
Musculoskeletal Outpatients
Learner Types:
Student Physiotherapists.
Care Provision:
Outpatient setting
Special Considerations:
Busy out patient department will require good time management skills to keep on top of clinical work, admin and university work.
Suite 5 is based on the ground floor of the main hospital and can be accessed via the main entrance, or the visitors entrance at the back of the hospital. There is lift access if required arriving from the visitors entrance.
Placement Type:
Musculoskeletal Outpatients (with the Physiotherapy Team)
Placement Description:
Students will be expected to assess and treat a range of musculoskeletal conditions, some of which are listed below.
Common conditions
Acute and chronic spinal dysfunction (cervical, thoracic, lumbar)
Stable neuropathy of spinal origin
Shoulder impingement, capsular restriction or functional instability
Elbow, wrist, hand dysfunction (in conjunction with Occupational Therapy, as appropriate)
Post fracture rehabilitation
Post orthopaedic surgery rehabilitation
Hip pathology/dysfunction
Tibio-femoral / patello-femoral dysfunction
Ankle dysfunction
Soft-tissue injury management
​Post orthopaedic surgery and post fracture rehabilitation

Knowledge and Skills required
Students will be expected to:
Have a knowledge of the anatomy of the loco motor system and relevant patho – physiology (e.g. Soft tissue/ fracture healing) and be able to link this to patient symptoms and presentations.
Execute a subjective and physical examination, demonstrating application of appropriate communication skills, to investigate the causes for functional impairment, using appropriate active/ passive/ manual assessment techniques. This process should include the interpretation of all available resources e.g. imaging, where appropriate.
Demonstrate, following assessment, appropriate clinical reasoning to identify diagnosis/ problems, treatment goals and outcome measures to support the implementation of suitable treatment plans and progressions.
Demonstrate the safe and effective application of appropriate treatment techniques, which may include:
exercise therapy – for individuals and groups
manual therapy skills
gait re-education
patient education
pain management
Timely discharge patients, following liaison with other MDT members, as necessary.
Experience may be gained in delivering the following classes:
Proprioceptive lower limb class (twice weekly)
Impact lower limb class (weekly)
Chronic Low-back Pain Management class (weekly based over six sessions)

Photo: Trevor Smith Photography
Learning outcomes
On completing this placement, you should be capable of:
Justifying and carrying out an accurate and detailed subjective and physical examination for a range of simple and more complex MSK conditions, affecting peripheral and spinal areas. Thus demonstrating the application of assessment skills to investigate the causes for functional impairment using appropriate active/ passive/ manual assessment techniques. This process should include the interpretation of all available resources e.g. imaging, where appropriate.
Demonstrating the ability to plan, carry out, modify/ progress and evaluate the therapeutic management of patients with an MSK dysfunction.
Writing concise and accurate records.
Managing your time and caseload effectively, showing appropriate prioritisation skills.
Communicating effectively and appropriately, verbally and in writing with patients, carers and other professionals
Critically evaluating the role, benefits and limitations of physiotherapy with reference to current evidence.
service development and project work when appropriate. .
Day 1
Full uniform is worn (polo shirt if preferred) and Full uniform is worn (polo shirt if preferred) and ID Badge required to be always displayed. ID badges are provided during your induction. More information will be sent out by your PLF before your placement starts.
Directions: Click here for directions and map of the hospital. The site is accessible via public transport.
Parking is free for students when registered through Nexus and permit obtained.
Permits applied through - NexusPlatform
Parking can be limited on site but if starting at 8/8.30am spaces will always be available. Information regarding applying for parking permits is sent out to students prior to starting placement.
Student working hours
Monday – Thurs: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Friday: 8.30am – 4.15pm
Clinics run Monday to Friday and your hours will be agreed closer to your start date. There may be some availability for flexible working depending on service needs. Please discuss this with your educator before starting your placement.

Suggested pre-placement reading​
Maitland Vertebral Manipulation (Elsevier): section on Neurological
Maitland Peripheral Manipulation (Elsevier): section on Subjective Examination.
Donatelli RA. Physical Therapy of the Shoulder 2004 4th. Ed. (Churchill LiviNgstone) .
Greenhalgh S. Selfe J. 2006: Red Flags: A Guide to Identifying Serious Pathology of the Spine. (Churchill Livingstone)
Norris CM. Sports Injuries. Diagnosis and Management Chapter 2: Healing (Butterworth Heiman)
Dandy D. Edwards D. Essential Orthopaedics and Trauma. Section on Tissue
Healing of Bone (Churchill Livingstone)