We are predominately based on the orthopaedic wards but we also have an area within the main OT office.
We work closely with the physiotherapists and nursing staff on the wards. We see both elective and trauma admissions and complete some pre-operative assessments.
Multi-disciplinary teamwork is a key element of these placements and good time management, prioritisation and discharge planning skills are essential.
The OT department at Chesterfield Royal Hospital has approximately 45 members of staff over a number of specialities.

Photos: Trevor Smith Photography

Learning Opportunities
Spend time with other members of the team, in different specialities
Go to theatre and observe surgery
Observe pre-operative groups and 1:1 sessions
Assist with splints and braces
Photos: Trevor Smith Photography
Day 1
Please contact your educator at least 2 weeks beforehand to arrange a pre-placement visit and send your CV to them.
At this point we will discuss pre-placement reading, issue you with a learning pack and discuss arrangements for your first day.
Directions: Click here for directions and map of the hospital. The site is accessible via public transport.
Working Hours