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Pre-Placement Learning

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You should have completed some mandatory training at university prior to the start of your placement. You will also have completed the module ‘An Introduction to Clinical Methods and Intervention’ as part of your learning at university prior to your placement.


You will be expected to have some knowledge of taking a case history and assessment involving a range of play based activity and knowledge of some more formal assessment procedures. You will have had some practice of report writing and your clinical educator will expect to see the portfolio you have completed at the university.


As part of the placement you may be asked to take part in delivering a range of assessments and it would be useful to familiarise yourself with some of these. For example; RAPT, Bus Story, Renfrew word finding test, STAP, STASS, Derbyshire Language Scheme, CELF-preschool and school aged, ACE, Nuffield Dyspraxia programme assessment, TALC, TROG, Pragmatics profile early years and school age, higher level language screen(departmental), symbolic play test, ELKLAN checklists and informal observations.


Some of the approaches used within the department include Elklan, Language Steps, Hanen, Nuffield Dyspraxia programme, cogneuro approach, narrative therapy, silent sorting, DLS, and various departmental advice sheets, Michael Palin fluency programme, Lidcombe, and PCI approaches.

Please familiarise yourself with your student handbook and be prepared to complete the induction and expectations paperwork and learning objectives and placement learning contract on your first day.


It would be helpful to clinical educator if you are prepared to discuss what feedback you have received from previous placements.

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